About Jay

Hello! I’m Jay, Personal Stylist and founder of Studio Jay.

My business aims to help women discover their own unique style and grow their confidence through their wardrobes in an easy and sustainable way.

The concept of taking the time to get to know ourselves, body shapes and style aspirations and exploring those identities through our existing wardrobes.

As a photographer I’ve learned the ins and outs of fashion.

I’ve taken my experience and passion and created styling services to serve the everyday professional woman.

What I love the most and what fulfills me, is helping people to truly discover their image and allow it to shine. I am ready to do that for you as YOUR Image Consultant.

Studio Jay is an experience to help you find clothing that brings out your natural confidence, with a style that fits your body, your life, and YOU. Shop with intention and stop wasting money on sale items that don’t fit well or clothing that sits in your closet and never see the light of day.

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