Do you feel as though you live your life with purpose? If so, what is the driving force for that purpose?

Absolutely. My family is that driving force for me. In my early teens I was abandoned by my parents for 2 years. Sure I lived with my grandmother during this time but the experience was traumatic. I wasn’t prepared for such a shake up in my foundation. It took me some time but I figured out how to stay clear of toxic energy and people. It also allowed me to understand how The Most High God will put you in a position where you have to establish personal relationships. That experience taught me resilience.  The more I learned about life, the more I could teach my children and family about it. No bad days. Just an opportunity to learn and move forward...

Why is it so difficult for black American men in this culture to be themselves, their essential selves, and remain who they truly are?

Judgement. Unfortunately too many people care about other people’s opinions. My personality is very different in this way. I have seen too many flaws in people to ever care about their opinion of me.  I Only authorize proven wise counsel and the Vineys that I have produced, to share their opinions with me for consideration about how I move in my life... 

At what point does a boy become a man?

When he has the ability to legally and morally provide as well as protect himself and his family...

What is something that people misunderstand about you?

Because I am not loud and try to dominate conversations many have assumed that I lack confidence. Then get hella surprise when I speak out on their dysfunctional behavior... I’m confident, just not cocky...

What in life is beautiful to you?

Great Relationships that create greater opportunities. Great Music, Great laughter, and a joyful peaceful soul...

Where does your inspiration come from? 

My inspiration comes from the vision I have for building my legacy.  I believe having options and growing old with healthy great grand babies around you is the best life you can have...

Who is the most impressional man in your life?

I also think confidence is key and cockiness is toxic AF. The loudest person in the room is usually the most insecure...I don’t really have a specific impressional man that I learn from. I learn from everyone. Even if it is what not to do...

If I had to pick someone specifically It would be Denzel. He moves in a very “strive for excellence but stay humble” but can kick yo ass kinda way... 

For future generations of men reading this: is there any wisdom you’d want to pass on to them? What would you want them to know? Do you follow this advice yourself?

Guard your money like you guard your heart...Learn the value of credit...

Your character is defined by how you treat others...

People who don’t deal with their issues can never love in the right way...Make sure you deal with yours...

Believing in yourself is not enough. You have to take action to participate in your own success...

Men! Make and keep your doctors appointments...