How do you see yourself, and how would you like to be seen?


I view myself as a confident woman who is very trustworthy with an outgoing personality, caring heart, and nurturing spirit. This is exactly how I wish to be seen.


How do you define your purpose in life?


I believe my purpose in life is caregiving; which has been my greatest passion and I have devoted the last 21 years doing.


What are three events that helped to shape your life?


Watching my father raise all five of his children,  experiencing a miscarriage, and almost losing my life.


What woman inspires you and why?

My greatest influence was my grandmother. She had a profound impact on my life and helped raise me. She showed me how to be a lady; how to be strong, and independent. She also taught me to never give up on my dreams.


Are there any assumptions about women that you would like to change? Why?


I would like to affirm that women can stand on their own two feet and make it on their own. Women are resilient. We are successful in our careers while taking care of our family, and wearing many other hats.

What do you believe will be the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you?  


Being treated fairly in the workplace and receiving the equal pay they deserve.


As a Woman of Valor, what advice would you give to your younger self and do you follow this advice now?

I would teach my younger self the value of being carted and respected as a lady. Not take “no” for an answer. Build confidence that I could do anything I set my mind to. I absolutely would follow this advice today.