How do you see yourself, and how would you like to be seen?

I see myself as an ambitious, passionate and confident young woman. I see myself as someone who is growing and continuously seeking ways to better myself and heal. I desire for those to see me as the same and to find me worthy of supporting and guiding if and when I fall short.


How do you define your purpose in life?

 My purpose is to serve and support those who may not have the ability and high spirits to support themselves.


What are three events that helped to shape your life?

 My college experience at Oklahoma State University, the loss of a childhood friend and the first two years’ post-graduation. Those times of my life were filled with life-changing moments. 


 What woman inspires you and why?

 My mother inspires me because she exemplifies what it means to be a Strong, Courageous, Ambitious and Dedicated Black Woman. She is passionate and committed to everything she is involved in, and she is consistent. She guides us, teaches us, overcomes the obstacles in front of her, stands her ground and remains true to herself while carrying herself with high class and dignity. She knows her worth and instills that into her children to be the best they can be.


Are there any assumptions about women that you would like to change? Why?

 I would like to change the assumption that women can’t work together. It’s a divisive and discouraging mindset that can dismantle any idea or concept with the potential to be successful. 


What do you believe will be the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you?  

 Ourselves. We can get in our own ways with the decisions we make, and not holding ourselves to a higher standard whether that is in the workplace, in our love life, extracurricular activities and etc.


As a Woman of Valor, what advice would you give to your younger self and do you follow this advice now?

 I would advise my younger self to prioritize what’s important, stop spending unnecessary money and save, and to stay single and choose my vices carefully. I would advise my younger self to live as peacefully and as healthy as I can, so that I can inspire those around me to do the same.