How do you see yourself, and how would you like to be seen?


 I see myself as a Bright, Strong, Vibrant, Loving, Artistic, Creative, Victorious, Supporting, Outgoing, God Fearing and Confident Woman. I would love for those to see me the same.


How do you define your purpose in life?


My Purpose in life is to be a Business Owner & Entrepreneur and helping our younger women to Execute and never give up on their



What are three events that helped to shape your life?


  1.     The murder of my Mother.
  2.     Been a mother at 19yrs old
  3.     Raped at age of 12.

Those are my life time changing moments that made the strong woman I am today.



What woman inspires you and why?


My Mother inspired my upcoming business name (R & M Fashion Closet) because she was very outgoing, loving, talented, creative, strong, motivated & dedicated to fashion. She was an amazing wife & mother of 3 beautiful daughters. She loved making clothes and dresses very well. Most importantly she loves helping & supporting young women. 


Are there any assumptions about women that you would like to change? Why?


The Assumptions I would love to change is more uplifting, inspiring, encouraging, loving & supporting one another instead of being jealous of each other.

 The Generation of Women behind me some of them suffer with depression, anxiety, low esteem & self concept.



What do you believe will be the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you?  


Courage to be the difference, as well as a lack of support; mentally, physically, and emotionally.


As a Woman of Valor, what advice would you give to your younger self and do you follow this advice now?

I would advise my younger self to Love, Respect & Value yourself first. And never let other people's opinions & criticism define who you Are! I DEFINE ME!